
Blog 1: What is Health Coaching?

  • What makes health coaching different to other healthcare?
  • What do health coaches do?
  • What do people get from health coaching?
  • Who Can Benefit from Health Coaching?
  • What will health coaching do for you?

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Coaching Supervision led by Qualified Coaches

Blog 2: What is Health Coaching Supervision?

  • thethe the What happens in supervision?
  • What are the benefits of supervision?
  • What does supervision need to be effective?
  • How does coaching supervision help my coaching practice?
  • How to access health coaching supervision for NHS health coaches

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Shared Decision Making Including Legal Rights to Choice Webinar online course

Blog 3: 7 Questions to Ask in Your Very First Supervision Session

  • What is the Purpose of Supervision?
  • How do sessions work?
  • How Can I Best Prepare for Supervision?
  • Can We Discuss Specific Cases?
  • What feedback do you have on my coaching practice?
  • What other thoughts do you have that I might have missed?
  • How can I continue to develop as a coach?

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Let’s Get In Touch

Building consensus and facilitating change together…