Blog 1: What is Health Coaching?
- What makes health coaching different to other healthcare?
- What do health coaches do?
- What do people get from health coaching?
- Who Can Benefit from Health Coaching?
- What will health coaching do for you?
Blog 2: What is Health Coaching Supervision?
- What happens in supervision?
- What are the benefits of supervision?
- What does supervision need to be effective?
- How does coaching supervision help my coaching practice?
- How to access health coaching supervision for NHS health coaches
Blog 3: 7 Questions to Ask in Your Very First Supervision Session
- What is the Purpose of Supervision?
- How do sessions work?
- How Can I Best Prepare for Supervision?
- Can We Discuss Specific Cases?
- What feedback do you have on my coaching practice?
- What other thoughts do you have that I might have missed?
- How can I continue to develop as a coach?
Part one: “Holding the Silence”
3 health coaching techniques every health and wellbeing coach should know
Put the flaming torches down, and let’s get started (with the first in this exciting series from Paul Rudd)! Let’s look at the first of three health coaching techniques every health and wellbeing coach should know that you can start using in your coaching sessions
Part two: “Appreciative Inquiry”
Focus on What’s Write, Not What’s Wrong
The second part in this exciting series by Paul Rudd looking at three techniques that you can start using in your coaching sessions immediately
Part three: “Use of Self”
Use yourself as ‘data’
The final part in this exciting series by Paul Rudd looking at the last of three featured health coaching techniques that every health and wellbeing coach should know
Why you need coaching supervision:
Part 1
Part 1 of the 3 part series exploring some of the answers to one of the most common questions that Dr Caroline Gibson is asked as a coach and coaching supervisor: “Why do coaches need supervision?”
Why you need coaching supervision:
Part 2
Literature about coaching supervision suggests that there are three main purposes of coaching supervision. Here the second of these is explored by Dr Caroline Gibson – the professional development support offered by supervision
Why you need coaching supervision:
Part 3
The last in this series exploring some of the answers to why coaches need supervision. Dr Caroline Gibson considers the third and last of these main purposes – maintaining professional standards.
Blue Monday:
What It Is and How to avoid the blues…
Dr Caroline Gibson discusses what is often referred to as the most depressing day of the year and strategies for managing Blue Monday and beyond…
How Supervision Helps Health Coaches Stay in Their Roles
How supervision creates confidence, satisfaction, and a stronger sense of support for coaches, directly addressing the factors that drive turnover.
Let’s Get In Touch
Building consensus and facilitating change together…