Coaching Supervision led by Qualified Coaches

Try out for free no obligation taster session for our health and wellbeing coaching supervision.

For a limited period of time, you can access a free taster session with coach supervisors. Our qualified supervisors use a range of established processes and skills to support practitioners to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to undertake practice effectively. To express your interest click here

Book KERA’s Coaching Supervision led by Qualified Coaches:  £75pp +vat

What is the need for supervision?

  • Health Coaches are a non-clinical ARRS role in primary care, providing expertise in behaviour change and support to patients who have (or are at risk of) long term conditions.
  • Health coaches need 3 distinct, different types of supervision and support, as described in the Workforce Development Framework for HWbC[1].
  • Good supervision arrangements for health and wellbeing coaches are crucial to ensure they practice safely and effectively. There are three types of supervision that health and wellbeing coaches should receive:
  • 1 line management support and supervision – day-to-day practical management, HR functions, appraisal etc.
  • 2 supervision from a clinician – for clinical queries arising from interactions with patients and safeguarding support etc.
  • 3 Health coaching supervision – specific support and development of coaching skills and techniques and reflective practice and continuing professional development.
  • Recommended frequency: Individual health coaching supervision – one to two hours per month.
  • Group health coaching supervision also recommended as a supplementary development opportunity.
  • Provided by person experienced in health coaching (minimum tier 3 practitioner)
  • Focus on developing the skills, competencies and confidence of the health and wellbeing coach in health coaching approaches and practice, and working through dynamics and issues with individual clients.
  • Support ongoing personal and professional development
  • Where organisations commission health and wellbeing coaches via a third party arrangement, for example, through a voluntary sector or other partner, supervision arrangements should be agreed as part of the commissioning arrangement to ensure that appropriate supervision is in place.
  • Health and wellbeing coaches should be able to discuss patient related concerns and be supported to follow appropriate safeguarding procedures (for example, abuse, domestic violence and support with mental health) with a senior member of staff. Regardless of the setting the health and wellbeing coaches works in, it should be clear who they need to speak to in the first instance about any patient-related concerns.

Up to 7 Health Coaches per cohort

Webinar delivered via Microsoft Teams

1 and a half - 2 hours sessions

Frequently asked questions

Level Up Your Coaching Expert Supervision for Health Professionals
Health Coach Supervision

Qualified supervisors use a range of established processes and skills to support practitioners to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to undertake practice effectively.

Who are the supervisors?


All our Health Coach Supervisors are experienced Health Coaches with specific supervision training or qualifications.

The HWbC framework specifies minimum standards for Health Coach Supervisors:
● Tier 3 practitioner (see Appendix 4 for the definition of tier 3)
● Currently practising coach, minimum 50 hours per year in the previous 12 months.
● They are currently actively receiving supervision from a more senior, experienced coach.
● Evidence of training in supervision

Qualified supervisors use a range of established processes and skills to support practitioners to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to undertake practice effectively.

Example Coaching Supervision models and conversation frames that Health Coach Supervisors will use
in the sessions include:
• Over Here – Over There model
• TGROW – Topic, Goal, Reality, Options, Will
• 7 Eye Model – Seven conversations
• RACSR Model – Relationship, Assessment, Challenge, Support, Results
• CLEAR – Contracting, Listening, Exploring, Action, Review
• Action Learning Set approaches
• Schon’s Reflexivity models – Reflection before action, during action and after action

How long and how often are the supervision sessions?

Each monthly session is usually between 1.5-2 hours using Microsoft Teams.

What is the is the Health Coaches experience of supervision like?

High satisfaction with supervision sessions by participants
◆ 96% of coaches attending supervision rate the sessions as “very useful” or “extremely useful”.

“It [supervision] felt very powerful, and my reflections from this have impacted my sessions with patients since then.” – Health coach Supervisee July 2023
“ I am really appreciating the supervision sessions; they are helping me develop as a coach.” – Health coach Supervisee November 2023
“ I hope these sessions continue as I find them so beneficial for my role. Peer support from other coaches and guided coaching support is invaluable”. – Health coach Supervisee October 2023
“It was good to hear from other coaches about their experiences and other groups and projects they are doing.”- Health coach Supervisee June 2023
“These sessions are so beneficial. I am flitting between 7 practices, with little contact with practice staff and no other coaches in the PCN I work with, so I am quite isolated. These sessions give us time to reflect, think, be together with our peers, and have that support to develop that we don’t get anywhere else”. – Health coach supervisee, August 2023

How many participants are in each supervision session?

Up to 7 Health Coaches can attend each session.

How do I find out about dates and times of coaching supervision sessions?

Follow us on social media at X @PrimaryCareKera or email